The mission of this website  is to promote understanding of southern women by sharing authentic life experiences


I’m happy you’re considering posting here.  Here are a  few tips from my experience.  Blog readers are fickle and their attention spans exceedingly short, so posts are limited to 800 words or less. An eye-catching photo that illustrates the content of your post is recommended. Also please include a recent photo of yourself, a one-paragraph bio, and any publications and social media sites you would like posted.

Stories do not have to be about you; they can be about a grandmother — mother — aunt- any Southern woman in your life that exemplifies the strength and resilience of these remarkable women.

Here’s a link to my website, Posts by Marla Cantrell and Sally Whitney  are examples of  popular posts.

Below are suggestions that may serve as writing prompts.

Were you born in the South? If so, has your family lived in the South for generations, or is yours the first of your family of origin to live in the South?
Where did you grow up and go to school?
If you grew up in the South, what was it like — good and bad?
Why do you love the South – or don’t you?
Where is home now?
If you left the South and returned, what called you back?
What’s your passion?
Who was your role model?
Did you have a mentor?  If so, how did she/he influence your life and/or your writing?
Why do you write?
When did you become interested in writing?
What would you tell a young woman who wants to become a writer?

Thank you for your interest in

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